2015 ANU Twilight Festival

Join ANU staff, students and alumni at the ANU School of Art precinct for a family-friendly end-of-year celebration.
The 2015 Twilight Festival will be held at the School of Art on 26 November from 5 - 8pm.
It will feature an early viewing of the graduating art student's exhibition with opportunity to purchase artworks, musical performances, the Kid Zone, Questacon displays, food stalls, market stalls and the ever popular Bake Off.
The Bake Off prizes will be sponsored by the ANU College of Artsand Social Sciences and ANU Alumni Relations.
There will also be a Photo Booth, sponsored by the ANU College of Law.
The Kidzone will be sponsored this year by the ANU Human Resources Division.
Arrangements are underway, so check back soon for more details.
Reservations via the link below.
School of Art, Building 105, Childers St, Acton
- Rosemary Schmedding02 6125 7081